بنغازي - كاتدرائية بنغازي
(La cattedrale di Bengasi)
وتعد احدى كبرى الكاتدرائيات الكاثوليكية في شمال أفريقيا، صممها المعماريون الايطاليون الثلاثة:
(Alberto Alpago Novello, Ottavio Cabiati, Guido, Guido Ferrazza)
ضمن مخطط المدينة الاستعماري. -الكاتدرائية الواقعة بين جادة دي مارتينو وميناء #بنغازي تجمع في هندستها البديعة الطابع الفينيسي -نسبة لمدينة فينيسا الايطالية- والبناء المحلي، لتصبح جزءا من #الهوية_الليبية حسب طلب الحاكم الايطالي تروتسي الذي وضع حجرها الأساسي سنة 1927. ليستغرق بنائها حتى عام 1939.
قاومت الكاتدرائية تدهور الاحوال، إذ تضررت بعض أجزائها خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية. وجرى ترميمها فيما بعد. وتحولت في سنة 1971 إلى مقر الاتحاد العربي الاشتراكي، كما نشب فيها حريق كبير عام 1976 لتقفل بعدها لغرض الصيانة.
وتعتبر الكاتدرائية بتصميمها وتاريخها رمزا للعمارة الليبية وتجسدا للتنوع الحضاري الذي ما يزال حاضرا في حياتنا اليومية.
Benghazi - Benghazi Cathedral
(La cattedrale di Bengasi)
#Benghazi_Cathedral is considered one of the biggest catholic cathedrals in North Africa, and was designed by the three Italian architects:
(Alberto Alpago Novello, Ottavio Cabiati, Guido, Guido Ferrazza) as a part of the city's colonial plan. The cathedral, that is located between Di Martino avenue and the #Benghazi harbor, combines the magnificent Venetian style of architecture with the local build to be come a part of the #Libyan_Identity, at the request of the Italian governor at the time, Teruzzi, who set the cornerstone in 1927, to be finished in 1939.
The cathedral stood in resistance to time and conditions, but some of its parts were damaged during World War II, but was reconstructed afterwards. In 1971, it was utilized as the HQ for the Arab Socialist Union, but was set on fire in 1976, and was consequently shutdown for maintenance.
With its design and history, the cathedral is considered an icon in the Libyan architecture and and symbol of the cultural diversity that is present in our daily life.
#Benghazi_Cathedral is considered one of the biggest catholic cathedrals in North Africa, and was designed by the three Italian architects:
(Alberto Alpago Novello, Ottavio Cabiati, Guido, Guido Ferrazza) as a part of the city's colonial plan. The cathedral, that is located between Di Martino avenue and the #Benghazi harbor, combines the magnificent Venetian style of architecture with the local build to be come a part of the #Libyan_Identity, at the request of the Italian governor at the time, Teruzzi, who set the cornerstone in 1927, to be finished in 1939.
The cathedral stood in resistance to time and conditions, but some of its parts were damaged during World War II, but was reconstructed afterwards. In 1971, it was utilized as the HQ for the Arab Socialist Union, but was set on fire in 1976, and was consequently shutdown for maintenance.
With its design and history, the cathedral is considered an icon in the Libyan architecture and and symbol of the cultural diversity that is present in our daily life.
🎨 | #ZiadAlhemdi ©
📝 | Mohammed Musrati
📰 | Abdelwahab Elalem
Translation: Sawsan Werfelli
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